
Follow $TORO and save your $SOL!


The God of green candles!


The green Bull is worthy!


Believe and receive!


In $TORO we trust!


Follow $TORO and save your $SOL!


The God of green candles!


The green Bull is worthy!


Believe and receive!


In $TORO we trust!




Parable of the Good Degen

A man was fired for modern-day hate speech, misgendering a cat, and fell into debt. First, he approached financial institutions, but they turned him away due to his poor credit score. Next, he turned to government programs, only to find them too busy raising taxes to offer help. Finally, a Web3 Degen noticed his plight and stepped in. He taught the man how to use crypto, provided a deposit, and promised to cover the transaction fees, offering a path to financial recovery and independence.

A true Degen will always help another, unlocking the shackles of the fiat system and offering a breath of freedom from the crypto world


Parable of the Sower

A sower scattered seeds on various types of soil. Some fell on the field of a Politician and, instead of plants, grew into an array of dildos. Some fell on the field of a Banker, where they turned into a heap of papers that flew away with the first breeze. Finally, some fell on the field of a Degen, where they grew and produced a bountiful harvest.

Seeds in fertile soil flourish, while those in fields of deceit or weakness wither away


Parable of the Prodigal Degen

A father had two sons, both receiving an inheritance. The elder stayed with him and diversified his portfolio of crypto. The younger scoffed at their ‘imaginary money’ exchanging his share into fiat currency. He squandered every last penny on Taylor Swift concerts and the latest Apple products. He returned to his father completely liquidated, but ready to learn the true way to freedom. His father welcomed him in, with a Phantom Wallet and Red Bull’sA father had two sons, both receiving an inheritance. The elder stayed with him and diversified his portfolio of crypto. The younger scoffed at their ‘imaginary money’ exchanging his share into fiat currency. He squandered every last penny on Taylor Swift concerts and the latest Apple products. He returned to his father completely liquidated, but ready to learn the true way to freedom. His father welcomed him in, with a Phantom Wallet and Red Bulls

A true Degen will always help someone understand crypto, even if they once spoke against it. Everyone deserves a chance to make things right