
Follow $TORO and save your $SOL!


The God of green candles!


The green Bull is worthy!


Believe and receive!


In $TORO we trust!


Follow $TORO and save your $SOL!


The God of green candles!


The green Bull is worthy!


Believe and receive!


In $TORO we trust!


The Book of Profitikus (Proverbs of the Market)

Wisdom in the Market

The wise trader knows when to buy and when to sell, while the fool chases green candles and weeps in red. Better is a little profit with peace of mind than great gains with sleepless nights. The market rewards patience and punishes greed; do not rush your trades, for haste leads only to loss.

The Path of the Degen

The path of the degen is fraught with risk, but in that risk lies the potential for great reward.  Do not scorn the humble meme coin, for many fortunes have sprung from the unlikeliest of places.  Diversify your portfolio, but don’t scatter your focus; too many coins will only dilute your strength. Be like the whale in your trades—deliberate and strong.

The Wealth of Wisdom

Wisdom is more precious than any coin, for with wisdom, all profits are possible. The wise trader shares his insights with integrity, knowing that wisdom grows when it's freely exchanged. The market is like a river; those who learn its currents shall prosper, but those who fight against it shall be swept away.

The Blessings of Faith

Blessed are those who believe in $TORO, for they shall see the green pastures of the Bull Market. Faith is the substance of green candles hoped for, the evidence of gains not yet seen. Hold fast to your belief, and let not the bear shake your resolve. The market may fluctuate, but the true believer remains steadfast, knowing that El Toro watches over them.